
Apprendre, comprendre et agir pour la nature (10-17 ans)

Le Programme Aires Protégées d’Afrique & Conservation de l’UICN (Papaco) lance une plateforme d’apprentissage destinée aux enfants francophones, de 10 à 17 ans:  

What is IUCN Academy

What is IUCN Academy

Launched in September 2021, IUCN Academy is a learning centre that trains citizens of the world who wish to make a lasting contribution towards a sustainable future.

Join the IUCN Academy community to make a difference.

Learn from top professionals

Radhika Murti

Director2 for the Centre of Society and Governance, IUCN

Daisy Hessenberger

Stakeholder Engagement Officer - NbS, IUCN

Veronica Ruiz Garcia

Programme Manager, EcoDRR, IUCN

Stewart Maginnis

Deputy Director General, IUCN

Tatiana Pachon

Chief Country Officer, Forest First Colombia

Stephanie Liverani

Climate Change Programme Officer


Nataliia Pustilnik

NbS Second Edition
WWF Ukraine, Project Assistant

The course helped me to get a better understanding of what nature-based solutions are and what they are not, which is important in my current work of moving NbS into national policies.

The course does not take much time and is great for people who want to get a hold of the concept quickly. By discussing the concept with other participants and the Standard's creators one can get a good grasp of the main principles of NbS.

Sophie Powry

NbS Third Edition
Eco Logical Australia, A Tetra Tech company, Principal Consultant

I recommend the Professional Certificate on IUCN Global Standard on Nature-based Solutions with the IUCN Academy. The course provided a comprehensive overview of the standard and shared practical on-ground examples of NbS initiatives, illustrating the power of the design criteria. I enjoyed the small work groups, learning and sharing with practitioners from around the world. The course has provided a powerful impetus to improve critical thinking for climate change adaptations.

Tom Coyne

NbS first cohort
Arup, Senior Ecologist | Environmental Consulting

The IUCN Professional Certificate for the Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions was a timely and brilliantly run course which I thoroughly enjoyed from start to finish. I found the mix of live zoom sessions, virtual group activities and presentations to be engaging, informative and inspiring. The presenters from IUCN and other external organisations provided a fascinating deep insight into the topic of Nature-based Solutions and crucially the application of the IUCN Global Standard to case studies from around the world. It was a privilege to share the journey with first cohort of 36 professionals who contributed hugely to the experience through their enthusiasm and energy.

Elisabet Olivares Zapiain

NbS first cohort
URBES arquitectura y urbanismo, Architect and Magister in Urban and Environmental Processes

Extraordinary exchange of knowledge, learning and experiences, led by the IUCN Academy team. An academic meeting of professionals with different profiles and backgrounds, committed to Nature-based Solutions as a strategy for present and future sustainability.

Dhruti Shah

NbS first cohort
Independent Consultant, Storyteller and Verificationista

It has been a real journey and a deep dive understanding the world of Nature-based Solutions. I came to the course with very little knowledge at all and have come away realising that conversations around NbS are only getting bigger and bigger. It's exciting to say I'm part of the first cohort.

Jesus Iglesias Sagar

NbS first cohort
Social Climate, Social entrepreneur and EU Climate Pact Ambassador

It's an honor to be part of the first cohort of 36 international experts that have been awarded the Professional Certificate on IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions. The Standard lays out a comprehensive methodology to design or improve NbS, ensuring societal challenges are addressed at the right scale, biodiversity is enhanced, there is a sound business model, governance is inclusive and management adaptive. At Social Climate we are leveraging NbS for climate action and equity, through social innovation and economic localization. We can only congratulate IUCN and look forward to scaling up impact together!

Academic partners

As the IUCN Academy will develop its activities fostering an interdisciplinary approach to nature conservation, it is proud to partner with a group of academic institutions well known for their work in the broader field of sustainable development.

Seed partners

Ministry of Environment - Republic of Korea

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Opigno LMS

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IUCN Academy partner

iucn academy