What is IUCN Academy

Launched in September 2021, IUCN Academy is a learning centre that trains citizens of the world who wish to make a lasting contribution towards a sustainable future.

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Image removed.We offer nature-positive courses delivered in a pedagogical-approach, leading the learners to offer effective solutions to biodiversity challenges. Our trainings and professional certificates put conservation at the heart of the green transition.

What do we do?

We build on the breadth of technical and practical expertise of IUCN to design compelling educational experiences for people who want to integrate nature conservation and sustainability into their career path.

Discover our programs

Our Philosophy

We place nature conservation at the heart of the green transition and build the capacities of citizens of the world, eager to make their contribution in the field of conservation more efficient and meaningful.

Our Contribution to Nature Conservation

As nature conservation encompasses many dimensions contributing to sustainable development -and hence has a role to play in the current health, environmental and economic crises-, inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches are at the heart of the IUCN Academy programmes.

We want our trainings to be adapted to the current fast changing environment. Together with our academic partners, we reflect upon the future of conservation work and adapt our programme content to cater for this evolution.

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